Hey hey~~Phew~~this few days really tired le...*sweat*Yesterday i went to my nephews' birthday party...went KIDZONE at hartamas...(a place for small kids... xD)
Haha!!yup..birthday boy is william...And this is him..
We makan-makan once we arrived there...=P
Practically...the kids get to have NUGGETS and FRIES...BUT!!we all the 'older' ones...dont get those..we eat nasi lemak...T_Thaha!!xDThen we played some kiddo game lo...as usual for all kids party...MUSICAL CHAIR...
i didnt miss my chance!!haha!!xDEventually...i got rejected from the kids...= (kekex...Then they played the first round lo..EIGHT chairs...
Then~~FOUR chairs...
CUT TO HALF!!!The tense is
TWO chairs...
The FINAL round!!!
Well...you guess...who's the winner..check the one wif bigger butt...*both look small*xDThen when this game was over...we played another game...dont know wad issit called..some old-hippy games where last time ppl play...xD
Hhmmm...i think if u compare this to school students like us...they are MUCH better than us...xD
xDThen after that...it has reached the moment the BIRTHDAY BOY was waiting...Cake ceremony...This is the cake...
The cake is jus so nice..we are not willing to eat those figures...we eat oni the upper part..haha!!Then as usual lo..FIRST~~Making a wish...
*i wish to be as handsome as christopher kor kor*haha!!kidding~~SECOND~~blowing the candles...
THIRD~~cutting the cake...
Then...LASTLY...PUT CAKE ON BIRTHDAY BOY FACE!!!BUT...small kid le..so no play...=PThen the kids had group photo lo..
i feel SO old when im with them...wish im as young as them to enjoy JUST right at tat moment...Well..i didnt miss being young..xDThey had this BIG puzzle room for kids...looks like this...
i went for it!!!Im STILL YOUNG!!!xDCheck this out...im kneeling down...and my head can almost touch the top..if i stand up then i think the top tear lo..xD
Haiz..even i enter the game place d...i gotta admit..IM NOT YOUNG...got rejected by kids AGAIN...T_TThat is me kena PAO from small kids...
Haha!!wad to do...xDThen got out to the BABY AREA...and played wif my baby nephew...xD
Tats all it for yesterday....
spend whole day PARTY-ING out late..
wif small kids..
Then today..
went to hang out wif my frens at MidValley...
They already prepared for the Christmas mood...
So much effort....
we had not much to do....
a bunch of guys..
Just eat LUNCH...
and watch movie lo..
we watched this show....
Didnt know wad show it is...
out of CURIOUSITY...
we screwed up..
this show IS SO LOUSY!!!!
WARNING: Don't EVER watch!!!
no further comments...
we paid money for it..
we got so pissed off...
we jus got out the room and went another room to watch...
this is how guys roll...
its funny....
suitable for all ages....
= )
Tats it...
Tiring this few days....
Its been long time blogging..
i only noticed tat my previous post no colour..
old d...
[Picture of the Time]
*can you find the hidden mickey?*
Show me~~
g off~
b a c k. t o. t o p